66 research outputs found

    Fuzzy-based NCTF control system of point-to-point (PTP) linear positioning system

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    Nominal characteristic trajectory following (NCTF) controller, which consists of an nominal characteristic trajectory (NCT) and a compensator, is a practical controller since its design is only based on a very simple open-loop experiment. The objective of the compensator in NCTF controller is to make an object motion follows the NCT and to end the motion at the origin. Its simplicity even more increased by the introduction of fuzzy compensator compared to trial and error original PI compensator. The proposed fuzzy compensator is practical since its all design parameters are based on NCT information and hardware specifications used; which are sensor resolution and actuator rated input; only. Trial and error or uncertain parameters value are completely eliminated. By using a linear positioning system, control performance of the proposed compensator and its robustness are examined experimentally using single axis linear positioning table. The results show that the proposed compensator is effective for the entire displacement range and able to force object motion as fast as determined by the NCT. Proposed compensator has consistently outperformed the PI and existed fuzzy compensators

    MATLAB and simulink in mechatronics education

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    MATLAB software package has been assisting engineers to design and test system models for different fields of engineering. It provides a deep understanding of system parameters and how they affect its performance. Since it is a programming package, it can interact with other programming languages to provide engineers who use those languages the flexibility to run their codes within a MATLAB environment. Engineering students can build their model and test it before implementing it in the real process. This paper presents and describes some dynamic models and control systems for mechatronics engineering students using MATLAB and Simulink. Those models will be used as laboratory experiments to expose students to different topics and techniques in control engineering. This will enhance students' knowledge and make them familiar with the MATLAB environmen

    Fuzzy-tuned PID anti-swing control of automatic gantry crane

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    Anti-swing control is a well-known term in gantry crane control. It is designed to move the payload of gantry crane as fast as possible while the payload swing angle should be kept as small as possible at the final position. A number of studies have proposed anti-swing control using the well-known proportional, integral, derivative (PID) control method. However, PID controllers cannot always effectively control systems with changing parameters. Some studies have also proposed intelligent-based control including fuzzy control. However, the designers often have to face the problem of tuning many parameters during the design to obtain optimum performance. Thus, a lot of effort has to be taken in the design stage. In this paper Fuzzy-tuned PID controller design for anti-swing gantry crane control is presented. The objective is to design a practical anti-swing control which is simple in the design and also robust. The proposed Fuzzy-tuned PID utilizes fuzzy system as PID gain tuners to achieve robust performance to parameters variations in the gantry crane. A complex dynamic analysis of the system is not needed. PID controller is firstly optimized in MATLAB using a rough model dynamic of the system which is identified by conducting a simple open-loop experiment. Then, the PID gains are used to guide the range of the fuzzy outputs of the Fuzzy-tuned PID controllers. The experimental results show that the proposed anti-swing controller has satisfactory performance. In addition, the proposed method is straightforward in the design

    Intelligent robust control of high precision positioning systems using ANFIS

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    Modern mechanical systems, such as machine tools, microelectronics manufacturing equipment, are often required to operate in high speed to yield high productivity. At the same time, precision/accuracy requirement becomes more and more stringent because of factors like the reduced size of components in modern mechanical devices or microelectronics products and high-quality surface-finishing requirements. High Precision Positioning System (HPPS) usually requires a good control to satisfy the requirement: robust high accuracy positioning and tracking performance at high speed, fast response with no or small overshoot and robustness to uncertainties. The development of robust control systems for HPPS is an attempt to provide guaranteed stability despite uncertainties and disturbances associated with the plant. However, robust control techniques require a dynamic model of the plant under study and bounds on modeling uncertainty to develop control laws with guaranteed stability. Although identification techniques for modeling dynamic systems and estimating model parameters are well established, very few procedures exist for estimating uncertainty bounds. A conservative bound is usually chosen to ensure robust stability, which will severely affect the high performance requirement of HPPS

    Focus control using flexible lens

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    Traditional focusing system usually uses multilenses by moving two concentric lenses towards or away from each other. However, the small and compact implementation using multiple-lenses is difficult to achieve since a certain distance between two- lenses is required for different focal length. To overcome this problem, in this paper, a new focusing system based on flexible lens is introduced. The flexible lens is made from natural rubber membrane and water, which is used as the optical medium. In the proposed system, focusing is achieved by the change of volume of water inside the lens. A passive control algorithm for auto-focusing has been employed using LabVIEW, a graphical programming language. The experiments show that the proposed flexible lens is capable of projecting colored images onto the CCD sensor for objects lying at a distance of 100 mm to 7000 mm from the camera

    QoS evaluation of different TCPs congestion control algorithm using NS2

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    The success of the current Internet relies to a large extent on cooperation between the users and network. The network signals its current state to the users by marking or dropping packets. The user then strives to maximize the sending rate without causing network congestion. To achieve this, the users implement a flow control algorithm that controls the rate at which data packets are sent into the Internet. More specifically, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used by the users to adjust the sending rate in response to changing network conditions. In this paper, we focus on the degree of fairness provided to TCP connections by comparing two packet-scheduling algorithms at the router. The first one is FIFO (First In First Out, or Drop-Tail), which is widely used in the current Internet routers because of its simplicity. The second is RED (Random Early Detection), which drops incoming packets at a certain probability


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    In Indonesia, sea sand mining was introduced in the late 1970s, and one of the sites is Banten Province, Indonesia. Sea sand mining in Banten waters began in 2003 after the issuance of a permit by the Regent of Serang Regency, namely Decree No. 540/Kep.68/Huk/2003, which was updated by the Regional Regulation of Serang Regency No. 2 of 2013 on the Zoning Plan for Coastal and Small Island Areas in Serang Regency for 2013-2033. Studies related to marine sand mining in Banten, Indonesia are required in accordance with the principle of ecosystem sustainability. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of sea sand mining on the ecological quality of coral reefs and hydro-oceanographic hue on Tunda Island. The survey method was used to determine the coral reef cover, while the hydrodynamic aspects were carried out by simulating bathymetric data, tidal and wave patterns. In addition, a simulation of sediment distribution was performed to determine the effects of sea sand mining using MIKE 12 sand transport module. The percentage of coral cover in the west, east and south of Tunda Island was 66.00%, 39.67% and 28.15%, respectively. The maximum sea depth around the study site reached 70 m, while it is relatively shallow in the mining area. In the last 14 years, the prevailing wave height ranged from 0.5-0.75 m or 49.02%, and 0.25-0.50 m or 36.69%. In addition, the concentration of TSS was relatively high, ranging from 40 mg/l to 60 mg/l. From the results, the most commonly observed impact of sea sand mining off Tunda Island was the high concentration of TSS. This can be prevented by rotating TSHD vessels, especially in the areas adjacent to Tunda Island.U Indoneziji je vađenje morskog pijeska uvedeno kasnih 1970-ih, a jedna od za to važnih lokacija je provincija Banten, Indonezija. Vađenje morskog pijeska u vodama Bantena započelo je 2003. godine nakon što je uprava u Serangu izdala dozvolu, točnije Odlukom br. 540/Kep.68/Huk/2003 koja je ažurirana Regionalnom uredbom Seranga br. 2 iz 2013. godine o Planu prostornog uređenja za obalna i mala otočna područja u pokrajini Serang za 2013.-2033. Istraživanja povezana s aktivnostima vađenja morskog pijeska u Bantenu u Indoneziji potrebna su u skladu s načelom održivosti ekosustava. Ova studija ima za cilj analizirati utjecaj vađenja morskog pijeska na ekologiju koraljnog grebena i hidrooceanografiju otoka Tunda. Napravljena je identifikacija pokrova koraljnog grebena, dok su hidrodinamički aspekti provedeni simulacijom batimetrijskih podataka, uzoraka plime i valova. Osim toga, provedena je simulacija distribucije sedimenta kako bi se odredio utjecaj eksploatacije morskog pijeska korištenjem modula za transport pijeska MIKE 21. Postotak koraljnog pokrivača na zapadu, istoku i jugu otoka Tunda bio je 66,00%, 39,67%, odnosno 28,15%. Najveća dubina mora oko lokacije istraživanja dosegla je 70 m, dok je u području vađenja pijeska ona relativno plitka. U posljednjih 14 godina dominantna visina valova kretala se od 0,5-0,75 m ili 49,02% i 0,25-0,50 m ili 36,69%. Nadalje, koncentracija TSS bila je relativno visoka s vrijednošću od 40 mg/l do 60 mg/l. Na temelju rezultata, najveći identificirani utjecaj vađenja morskog pijeska na otoku Tunda bila je visoka koncentracija TSS-a. To se može spriječiti rotiranjem plovila TSHD, posebno u područjima uz otok Tunda